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Holistic Educator, Facilitator, Personal Coach and Writer

Meet Drake and discover opportunities to work together.

"Drake is a master space holder, intuitive guide and healer. She expertly guided me inward and helped me move through a primary core wounding. She provided impeccable insight and assistance navigating this complicated terrain, and did so with great care and skill. I’m deeply grateful!"

Adina E.

Meet Drake

Drake is a holistic educator, facilitator, personal coach and writer exploring personal and planetary evolution through intersectional themes related to mindfulness, spirituality, sustainability, permaculture and regenerative development, international travel, globalization, ethical entrepreneurship, for-benefit businesses and nonprofits, outdoor/experiential education and more.

Drake has, historically, offered many avenues to support you in your growth, including one-on-one sessions, workshops and retreats, although right now she is currently taking an extended sabbatical to work on her book and deepen her mindfulness practices through dedicated study. Find free to explore past resources on her on YouTube, Spotify and Tiktok channels or listen to her meditations on Insight Timer.


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